Showing posts with label Bedtime Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bedtime Stories. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Adonis Prison


                                                            By Simon Collinson

I was warned this could happen but I just didn’t listen. Just too busy looking at myself to notice. I loved myself so much I could not bear to stop looking at myself in the mirror and taking endless selfies. I would have been alright if I was discreet and private about it but in public I couldn’t help myself.

You see I was just so good looking.

I’d go past a mirror in the pub or restaurant and I’d be there for ages looking at my reflection. I would stop at a shop window to admire myself for hours. I‘d stop strangers and ask them if they agreed with me that I was the best looking person in the room. Someone informed the authorities about me. Naturally there are a lot of jealous people out there who are envious of my handsome looks.

And eventually, I was taken to the court, having been accused of crimes of vanity. The court was packed out. All eyes were on me. I loved every minute of it. The judge found me guilty of vanity on all counts. I had to plead guilty as I am really good looking.

I was given five years in Adonis prison.

Adonis prison was beautiful to look at from the outside like pristine white marble. I was taken in there by hooded guards. I could not see their faces. They wore special glasses. I suppose it was so that they would not feel down when they compared their ugliness to my stunning beauty.

The gate was locked behind me. And it was just empty. Just me in there. That's right, just me. And only me.

Everywhere I looked there were pictures and posters all of me on the walls, windows and doors. There were photographs of me everywhere. In the library all the books had pictures of me on the front, back and every page. In the canteen my picture was on the menu, the cups, plates, bowls on the tables and chairs.

The only thing on TV was my smiling face. The weekly film show was just a picture of me set to the music of Wagner. All the visitors wore masks of my face. The guards and staff all wore masks of my face upon their faces.

My cell was just walls, doors, ceilings and floors of mirrors. Every day I saw reflections of myself and only myself. I thought I looked fantastic.

I was the only inmate of Adonis prison. Everyone was looking at me. fabulous!

At first I thought it was heaven. How great it was to be able to look upon my superb looks every hour of the day? I thought I look even better in prison than I do outside. I am one of those lucky people who get better looking every day.

But after the fifth month it began to get monotonous. I could spot every single feature. Even perfection can look tedious if you look long enough at it. I grew tired of looking at myself all the time. I began to hate seeing myself everywhere. I found I was avoiding myself and staying in bed. I tried to keep my eyes shut in my cell to avoid catching a glimpse of my chiseled features.

I found that when I walked past the mirror I no longer had the urge to look at myself or take selfies.

Five years came round. It felt like five hundred. I was ready for release. Just got to go to the Artemis room for the final procedure. They strap you down as a machine cuts a big scar into your face from your ear to your jaw. They couldn’t take any chances with my astounding good looks.

I’ve been out of Adonis prison for a while now. My face is no longer perfect. It looks scary. I suppose they had to do it as I was so dishy before. It wasn’t fair on the rest of the world to have to look upon my stunning beauty. I no longer excessively love myself or admire myself. In fact I hate the person I was. He was so vain. I no longer look at mirrors or have taken a selfie in years. I wasted so much time looking at myself. I am much more productive now.

I’m glad I’m cured.

About the author: Simon is a writer from England who likes to write stories.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Nature’s Flight


                                                            By Matthew Spence

Jessica Beckingham first heard about the flying plants from one of her neighbors. She'd been tending her flower garden when she noticed that some of her plants were missing. At first she thought an animal might have dug them up, or that they might have even been stolen, but the holes where the roots had been were too neatly scooped out for that. Then she heard about the flying plants on the news, and told Jessica what had happened.


"I don't know why mine left," she sobbed. "I took good care of them."

Jessica tried to be sympathetic. "Maybe it was just instinct, or something-they just wanted to follow the others? The rest of your flowers are still there, after all."

"Yes, but why is it happening?" Jessica's neighbor suddenly sounded afraid. "What if something else is next?"


Jessica began to wonder about that too, as the news about the flying plants spread. But as she had pointed out, it was only some plants, not entire groups, or colonies, as they were called. Videos were shown of trees, flowers, bushes, even weeds, pulling themselves up out of the ground as if by invisible hands and floating up until they were caught by the jet stream or other air currents and deposited hundreds, sometimes, thousands, of miles away, where they took root again.


"It seems to be a migration pattern," one of her other neighbors, a man named Scott, said one afternoon. He was a biology teacher at the local high school, and had been following the flying plants online. "They're staying in their own hemispheres, however. And different plant species seem to be deliberately avoiding each other. It's like they treat each other as invasive species infringing on their territory."

"But what does that mean?" Jessica asked. "Are they intelligent?"

"Plants do communicate with each other in nature," Scott pointed out. "And...yeah, that worried me. What if...what if they start to organize-against us?"


Jessica had wondered about that herself, and thought about it as she somewhat nervously looked at the sky. There were a few flying plants up there now-trees, elm and birch, probably from the nearby national forest area. She wondered where they were going, if they were going to take root there permanently, or if they might leave and go somewhere else. And what would they do then?


Jessica hoped she wouldn't have to find out, as the herbs on her kitchen windowsill began to stir restlessly.

About the author: 

Matthew Spence was born in leveland, Ohio. His work has most recently appeared in Tall Tale TV. More details of the author can be found here



                                                            By Kyle N. George

My girlfriend of three years, Kelsie, had found this guy online who was giving away his futon. So I’m standing in the doorway of our newish (about five weeks, new building and everything) apartment, waiting for her to finish dolling herself up in the bathroom. And I’m getting irritated because she’s taking forever, and we need this futon; we were sitting in lawn chairs to watch TV.  A placeholder coffee table. Just a rectangular wooden slab on four pegs, really. Plus, we had yellow daffodil-patterned drapes from Kelsie’s old place. She had called them “fucking dope” the day she put them up. And I liked them, too, but could not seem to muster any excitement for them at the moment. More like I wanted to rip them down, if I’m being honest.

“Come on. Let’s go,” I said.

Kelsie’s blonde head popped around the corner of the bathroom. Her emerald eyes met mine, like whirling copper fires in a hurricane. “Just a few more minutes, Joe.”

I tried to sound urgent. “He’ll give it to someone else, babe. Other people out there want free futons, too, you know.”

She dismissed the notion with a quick wave of her hand and retreated into the bathroom. “No, he won’t do that. I spoke to him through email. He knows I want it. Two seconds, Joe. Two seconds.”

Overwhelmed by the boredom of standing there with nothing to do, I threw my arms out and hung my head to one side like it weighed too much. Then I leaned back on the doorframe and moaned.

The problem was, if I started doing something to pass the time, like checking my email, Kelsie would walk around the corner, ready to go. But if I did nothing, she wouldn’t. But then if I took out my phone and pretended to check my email, she would stay in there. So it was a cruel joke by the universe with no way to win. You had to accept it or let it ruin the relationship. Simple as that.

But can’t she just not give a shit about how she looks this one time? I actually thought this as I checked my silver wristwatch. Six-eleven PM. We had less than thirty minutes to make it across town in Saturday traffic.

We’re moving furniture, for Christ’s sake. And she’s worried she doesn’t look good. Am I immature for wanting to leave on time? The guy we’re going to see is probably going to be on time. I want to be patient but at the same time . . .

“Kelsie, let’s gooooo.”

“Two more seconds, Joe. Hang on.”

I rolled my eyes so hard they ground against the rims of my eye sockets. I sighed and put my hands on my hips, something my father used to do.

Then a blue jay landed on the windowsill. Very difficult to spot the difference between a male and female blue jay. But it was pretty big, so probably a male. It looked at me and cocked its head and then flew away.

I wish more birds were blue.

Kelsie walked out of the bathroom, wearing a pink sunflower dress. She pranced toward me, her lemon-colored shoes, with their little straps that had bitsy pink belt buckles on them, tapped against the hardwood floor. Her shoulder-length blonde hair bobbed slightly as she walked until, suddenly, she stopped, looking around.

“I’m forgetting something,” she said.

I sort of shrugged and glanced around. “What are you forgetting?”

She looked at me incredulously. Her dark eyeshadow. Glossy pink lips. Fair complexion. “I can’t remember what it is, that’s what I’m saying.” Then she moved slowly around the room. Her purple purse dangled on its thin shoulder strap whenever she bent to look behind something, a still-unpacked box or a trashcan. She kept mumbling to herself, “What is it, what is it,” seemingly reaching out with her thoughts to commune with the apartment for an answer like a sage.

But after a few seconds, I’m standing there, worrying about the futon, and I tell her—I say, “We’ll lose this futon, Kelsie.”

“Shit.” She deflated. “I don’t know what it is, but I know I’m forgetting something.” She was moseying over to me. “We’ll be in the car, and halfway there, I’ll think of it. I know it.”

“Fantastic.” I motioned for her to walk out the door.

Kelsie tromped past me, frowning, and then, finally, I shut the door.


          In my Rav4, Kelsie had her smooth bare feet on the dash, wiggling her yellow-painted toes. Change rattled in one of my cup holders as we hit the edge of a pothole. I was usually good at dodging them, but I was in a hurry and distracted. A new song I had never heard was playing on the radio. Fast tempo. In-your-face lyrics. A hummable melody.

          I looked at Kelsie, who was bobbing her head and feet in time with the beat.

          “Is this new?” I said. “Do you know who this is?”

          She shook her head no.

          I stopped at a red light and turned the volume up a little. It was a rock-pop-techno abomination. A weak yet overproduced drumbeat. A “computery” sound to the whole thing. Fake. Corporate. Soulless. Designed to be in a car commercial someday. Talking about all the right things, rebelliousness and the movement and the love all that, but not saying anything. Not really. Deceptive. Greedy.

          A song like that probably would have worked on me for a summer in my preteen years. But now, at thirty-seven, it didn’t sound very good.

          I turned off the radio. “I think I’m getting old.” I stared at the red traffic light with both hands resting on the steering wheel. “Like . . . in mind.”

          “Isn’t that how growing up is supposed to be?”

          “Sure. But it’s the tiny realizations along the way about what it all entails that tend to get to me. Like, when I was a teenager, and a new, big song came out, everyone would sing it at school. I got it by osmosis, you know. And by the time I actually heard it, I basically already knew the whole thing by heart; I sort of miss that, the feeling of being connected to it all. Culture and whatnot.”

          Kelsie got out her phone, smiling. “Nobody gets to stay a kid forever, babe.”

          I looked at her as if to say, “I know that, sweety,” but she was engrossed in her phone already.

          Honk. Honk.

          The light had turned green.


          We reached the end of a cul de sac, and I pulled to the curb in front of a lime-colored house. I cut the engine, noticing the front yard was overgrown. Long grass drooped, veiling a stone walkway. Each stone a flat gray octagon with a turtle shell pattern. The walkway forked to connect both the sidewalk and the driveway to the front porch. And at the center of the yard, partially blocking half the house, stood a majestic red oak. Its branches outstretched over the sidewalk, over the curb and my SUV.

          A rusty white pickup truck, half-covered by a brown tarp, sat, up the driveway, looking untouched for years. Rear right tire missing. Left taillight busted. Missing tailgate. Dented bumper, half-falling off.

          Kelsie and I strode up the turtle shell walkway, toward the burgundy porch in the warm summer rays. The cool breeze breathed on us and whispered through the leaves of the red oak and the other trees. A yellow bird tweeted from one of them and then darted away, flying fast to another part of the neighborhood.

          The loose wooden porch steps groaned under our weight. We reached the top and approached the white paint-chipped door. Two rattan chairs to our right and a small round table with tempered glass surface. The aroma of fresh marijuana lingered beneath the awning. A welcome relief, I thought, from the abhorrent stink of manure wafting from the neighbor’s yard. I could see over the border hedges the five recently laid patches of shoveled dung. But that sweet, overpowering scent of cannabis made it mostly bearable.

          Kelsie knocked three times on the door, then backed away and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me.

          As time went on, and no one came to the door, I got impatient. I stepped forward and knocked eight times. Louder than Kelsie had. Then I backed up, and we waited, but still, no one came.

I checked the time on my wristwatch. Six-thirty. Right on time.

          Kelsie folded her arms, tapping her toe on the uneven boards of the decades-defeated porch.

A dingy metal windchime hung on the far side of the porch, jingling in the light breeze.

Kelsie knelt on one side of the door. She peered through the lower half of a smudgy window into the shadowy house.

          My eyes widened at the sight of it, and I snapped, “Kelsie. No.”

          She waved me off without turning to look at me. “I’m just checking.”

          “It’s dangerous, though. What if someone thinks you’re trespassing and shoots you?”

          She fired a skeptical look at me. “Joe, stuff like that doesn’t happen here.”

          “Idiots can be anywhere, babe. I’ve been one my entire life. I know how they think.”

          Kelsie rolled her eyes. She moved away from the window and back to the door. Again, she knocked three times, then backed up next to me. But when no one came, I turned away.

          Kelsie asked me where I was going.

          I walked down the steps, out from under the awning, and looked up to recheck the address.

          “We’re in the right place?” It was as much a question in Kelsie’s tone as it was a statement of fact. She knew it was right. We both did.

          I nodded, indicating what we both already knew.

Kelsie pursed her lips in thought, then spun to face the door and stared at it.

          I put my hands on my hips, looking around at the overgrown lawn, unsure of what to do now. Bored.

          I couldn’t help it, really. Life just got boring to me on a dime. Suddenly, I couldn’t care less. It was a real handicap, if I’m being honest.

          I stood on that first turtle shell stone and looked up at Kelsie, who was still on the porch, staring at the front door. The lime green grass blades, bending in the calm breeze, stretched long and proud around me while bumble bees buzzed about, their wings gyrating with frenzy. The birds chirped their hunting songs; they perched in the trees and darted down to the ground, seeking out their next meal among the insects. And in the distance, a dog barked, a rough and tumble sound that echoed down the road, like drum beats in this symphony of nature.

          A bee buzzed past my ear, startling me. “Ah!” I swatted it away. “Bastard.” I swatted all around me as a warning to others.

          Kelsie was walking down the creaky steps. “He must not be home.”

          “You want to just wait in the car for a bit?” I indicated the SUV behind me with my thumb.

          She nodded, walking toward me gloomily. And I could tell she was worried we wouldn’t get this futon, after all.

          And I was, too, if I’m being honest.

          So I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. We walked back to my Rav4, got in, and waited, waited, then waited some more.


          Her bare feet were up on the dash again, her chair leaned all the way back. And with her eyes closed, she hummed that melody that Ariel and her evil clone hum in The Little Mermaid.

          I sat in the driver’s seat, listening, and started tapping a drum beat to her humming on the steering wheel. It was involuntary. I was bored and couldn’t help myself.

          “Babe!” Kelsie shouted.

          “Sorry.” I stopped.

          “I’m trying to remember what I forgot at home, and humming helps me think. You know that.”

          “I know, I know. And drumming distracts you. I’m sorry.” I leaned back and sighed, resting my head against the window.

          Kelsie started humming again.

          Across the street, on my side, a little girl with auburn pigtails walked a beagle puppy on a pink leash. She wore jeans and a blue shirt with a big pink heart on it. And she waved to me, her pup too busy sniffing around to notice me.

          With my head still against the warm window, miserably, I waved back at her. Smiling a little to let her know it wasn’t all bad. Life, I mean. That it was only a little boring sometimes.

          Kelsie stopped humming.

          I turned away from the window to look at her, and she was still lying back with her eyes closed.

          “Did you have a dog when you were a kid?” I said.

          Kelsie didn’t open her eyes. “I had a gerbil. You know that.”

          “Mr. Muffin Top, right?”

          She nodded, looking relaxed as she lay back with her fingers interlocked over her stomach. Her bosom rose and fell with each gentle breath, and the tiny blonde hairs on her arm glimmered golden in the tangerine sunlight.

          “Never any dogs, though?” I asked.

          “No. My dad is allergic to them.”

          “Oh, Jesus. Is Phil allergic to everything?”

          Kelsie grinned. “Not everything; just some stuff, you dick.”

          “Dogs, peanuts, cats, apples . . .” I started drumming on the wheel again, continuing to list Phil’s allergies in rhythm with the beat. “Mold, latex, insect stings, penicillin and sulfa drugs; shellfish, soy, milk and eggs, metals such as iron or gold . . .”

          Kelsie was guffawing and slapping my arm so hard I had to stop.

          Chuckling with her, I noticed through my side-view mirror that, still, no one was coming down the long road that led to the cul de sac. And I couldn’t believe that the guy was late after all.

          I groaned. “Did you try calling him again?” I looked up and down the sidewalk, but the little girl and her puppy were gone.

          “I tried twice already.”

          “And it went straight to voicemail?”

          Kelsie nodded, busy on her phone.

          I checked my side-view again. A few houses down from us, I spotted a tall, elderly man, dressed in all black, out for a midday stroll.

          He walked with the confidence of a man who strolled daily. His legs were so long it almost looked like he wore stilts. And he had, except for his shiny dome, short silver hair.

          The man crossed the street, and I kept watching him because he was so tall. I didn’t often see tall elderly people. Most got shorter as they aged.

          Then the man tripped and fell forward. He faceplanted on the asphalt and lay motionless in the middle of the road.

          “Oh, my God,” I whispered.

          But Kelsie was too involved with her phone; she hadn’t heard me or even seen the man.

          I glanced around to see if anyone else in the neighborhood had seen the man fall and was, perhaps, coming to help. But it didn’t look that way. I didn’t so much as see someone standing by a window.

          I reached for my door handle to get out and go check on him, eying him through the side-view. But then, suddenly, he moved. First his legs. Then his arms. And he used them to lift himself off the ground. Slowly, he got back on his feet. He dusted himself off, took a look around, then continued across the street, around a corner of hedges.

          I wasn’t sure if he was okay. I hoped he was. He’d probably feel it worse, later on, I thought. Hopefully, he didn’t have any broken bones. Falling like that had to suck worse and worse the older you got. I’ve never even broken a bone before. I don’t think I could stand learning what that feels like for the first time at seventy.

          A maroon sedan turned onto the road and drove toward the cul de sac. It got closer and closer until it slowed as it passed us.

          The driver, a scraggly gent, eyed me from behind circular dark sunglasses. His long brown hair and graying goatee flowed in the breeze coming in through his open windows. He pulled ahead of us and then turned into the driveway behind the old pickup.

          “Babe.” I nudged Kelsie. “Babe, look.”

          She looked up from her phone, and I indicated, with a nod, the maroon car. And she perked up, putting her phone back in her purse. Then Kelsie slipped her feet into her shoes on the floor in front of her while I opened my door, cleared my throat, and got out.


          We carried the wooden futon, with its dark green mattress, Kelsie and I did, up the stairs from the basement. The guy, who’d said his name was Floyd Cooper, didn’t have many good lights in his house. Even once he turned them on, there wasn’t much light for seeing. Most of the curtains were drawn, too. I feared I would trip, walking backward with my end of the futon in a solid underhand grip.

          The whole place reeked of weed. And there were blankets bunched up everywhere in odd places, on a shelf, behind a recliner, under a lowboy. Shitloads of them. I had never seen so many blankets in a private residence.

          I just wanted to get out of there, if I’m being honest. I didn’t trust this guy.

          Kelsie and I reached the front door. But when we tried to go through, the futon got caught on the doorframe. It wouldn’t fit.

And Kelsie motioned with her head to her right and said to roll it left.

          So I did. I rolled it to my left, which didn’t altogether do the trick.

          We kept trying, saying things like “Steady, steady” and “Woah, hey, watch it now” as we tried to force it through the doorway.

          Finally, on the last push, the futon went through, scraping the doorframe a little. We carried it, with elated expressions, past the rattan chairs, and down the noisy porch steps.

          “Don’t trip, babe,” Kelsie said.

          “I got it. I’m good.” I eased down the steps, not wanting to twist an ankle and immediately be proven to “not got it” and “not be good.”

          Reaching the bottom, I breathed easier. My heart beat steadier.

Then we hauled it over the turtle shell walkway, toward my Rav4, into the shade of the red maple.

I had to open my trunk with one hand while still holding the futon with the other.

Floyd Cooper watched us from his porch as we loaded the futon in. He wore a dark blue Led Zeppelin shirt and black jeans with gaping holes. Lighting a blunt, he walked down the steps to us, blowing out a long stream of silvery smoke along the way.

Kelsie shook his hand. “Thanks, Mr. Cooper. Trust me, it’ll have a good home.”

Floyd smiled warmly under his dark mustache. Adjusting his sunglasses on the bridge of his bony nose, he said, “I believe it.” Then he offered us the blunt.

Kelsie accepted it and smoked and passed it to me. And we all started shooting the shit for the next minute or so.

A massive flock of birds, hundreds strong, crossed the cloudy sky above the cul de sac. Like a giant black alien spaceship hovering over the land. A clatter of chirps that didn’t stop. Myriad fluttering wings. A legion of avians with no end in sight, blotting out the sun.

“Goddamn,” Floyd said, face upturned.

“Look at them all,” Kelsie said.

And while we did, I imagined what it would be like to be one of them, one of the birds, flying in the middle of the group. Birds above, around, and below you. I wasn’t sure how I’d like it since I got claustrophobic in crowds, but I figured I might feel differently about that as a bird.

But, eventually, the group lost interest in the birds, and the conversation resumed. We talked about liberal politics and conservative politics. Religion. Mass shootings. The war in Ukraine. Gandhi. Nirvana, the band. And a new radio telescope NASA was putting in orbit around the moon soon. Floyd knew all about it.

          “It’ll be able to see into other galaxies. It’s nuts.” He puffed on the blunt, then made mention of his overgrown lawn, apologizing for how it looked.

          Kelsie waved her hand, making a face as if to say, “Oh, don’t worry about it. We hardly noticed.” Then she hit the blunt.

          “The guys who cut it are really fickle,” Floyd said. “I never know if they’re gonna be here on the day they say they are. And then they never are. So you just got to wait. Be patient. But I’m hoping they’re coming today.” He motioned to his lawn. “I’m getting tired of looking at it myself. I’d mow it myself if I didn’t have this damn grass pollen allergy.”

          “My dad has that,” Kelsie said.

          “I used to mow lawns as a kid,” I said. “Maybe there’s some neighborhood kid that would do it for a few bucks.”

          “Nah, nah, nah.” Floyd shook his head. “They’ll be here eventually. And if I use their service five times, the sixth one is free. And the next one is number four, so I’m, like, almost there, you know?”

          I nodded. And my head tingled from the heady effects of the ganja. Good shit. Mostly a mental high with mild physical effects.

The sun looked amazing and felt extra warm in the now birdless sky. Correction, one bird flew over. Late. Far behind the others. Struggling to catch up. Flapping its wings as hard and fast as it could.

          The blunt was small now. And when I passed it to Floyd, he waved it away.

          “You guys finish it. I got more inside.”

          We thanked him again for the futon, and for the weed and the pleasant conversation. Girlishly, Kelsie waved goodbye as we walked to the Rav4. She took the blunt from me, wetted her fingers with saliva, and pinched out its cherry. Then she reached into her purse and started rummaging for something.

She stopped and looked at me. “I just remembered what I forgot at the apartment.”

          Standing in front of the SUV, I looked at her quizzically, expecting her to say what it was, but she just sighed and went back into her purse. She pulled out an empty cigarette box.

“I’ll just use this,” she mumbled and put the roach inside. She closed the box and put it back in her purse. Shaking her head slightly, she went to the passenger-side.

And I could tell she was being hard on herself about having forgotten something, which she often did. But, I realized, that was one reason we made a good team. She was great at socializing, and I never forgot anything.

About the author: 

K.N. George’s lifelong love affair with the arts began long before he attended The Art Institute of Washington for animation. But it was there that he began to focus more on creative writing. His passion for storytelling stems from a youth spent acting on stage in community theatre, drawing, and playing music in rock bands.

Tale of the Cat, the Possum, and the Rooster


                                                    By H. L. Dowless

Once there was a cat, a possum, and a rooster.  One afternoon this black and white barnyard cat said, “Well Hoss, I sure wish I had a fish.”


The possum said with a toothy grin, “Yes, well that would be nice, but this fresh plum will suffice, for now least wise.”

 The rooster said, “Well, cock-a-doodle-dew all day!”


Come morning time, the three went for a walk by a field side. The field had recently been plowed. The dirt was cool and slightly damp, feeling really good to walk through with bare feet early in the morning. The cat turned to the possum and said; “My oh my, a cup of thick, rich, jet black coffee would be just great, right about now.”


The possum replied, “Yeah for sure, but much better with a square of freshly made cornbread, and maybe a bit of cheese and a fried egg.”


 Both of them then turned to glare at the rooster wearing slobbering sly grins, who said, “Cock-a-doodle-dew, now it‘s morning time!”


So the three continued to walk in the freshly plowed field early in the morning. The cat eased up on a quail, who carelessly walked out to scratch around for grubs in the freshly turned soil of the field. On the very moment the cat leaped into the tangled thorny cover beside the field, the quail flew. On the instant his feet touched the earth, an entire covey of quail thundered up from all around the three, slightly startling them for an instant. The cat eased out of the brier patch empty handed, still grinning by force, and slobbering mightily.


“Shame on you, Cat, for missing that huge bunch of birds. We both were counting on you,” said the possum in chastising sarcasm.

“Yeah, and shame on you, ole Possum, for not helping out a bit there with the catch,” replied the cat carrying an edge on his voice.


“Well then, I'll take the blame for your miss. I figured I would eat whether I helped out, or simply allowed you to make the catch,” replied the possum. “Your scraps are fine by me.”


Both then turned to the rooster with the same slobbering grin, who yelled, “Cock-a-doodle-dew all day!”


Soon they walked up to a yaupon bush laying by the field side, snapped off by the wind two or three days earlier. The bush had lain there until the spring leaves dried.

“Well at least we shall soon have coffee,” grinned the possum.

“Yeah, if you'll just kindly find the turtle shells and rub the sticks, please,” snarled the cat.


“The rooster cried, “Cock-a-doodle-dew all day!”

 The possum turned and said as he slowly walked away, “We'll do, ole Tom Cat, just don't walk away anywhere.”

“Well, all we have right now is time,” replied the cat.

 The rooster cried, “Cock-a-doodle-dew!”

In an hour the possum returned, carrying two clean, rather large turtle shells, two forks, and a set of flints, complete with a steel striker.


“Where just tell me, ole Possum thar, where on earth did you manage to find that? I did not know I could count on you so,” grinned the cat to the possum, with newly found cheer in his voice and on his face.

“Well, ole Cat thar, I saw a column of smoke rising up in the distance above the trees the other day. I was searching for an excuse to have a look-see. All I found besides smoldering ashes, were these two forks, the flints, and the steel. The two large turtle shells were from a meal I had taken a couple of days ago. I figured they would make nice coffee cups and even better bowls, just as soon as we can find our meal for the day. What do you think about it there, ole Tom Cat,” asked the possum still wearing a slobbering grin.


“It all sounds splendid to me,” replied the cat as the possum gathered fresh kindling splinters and dried broom straw, patiently squatting as he struck the steel and the flint. Soon he was feeding larger dried wood sections into the small fire, making it grow.


After a while he was feeding much larger branches into the flames that had fallen to the forest floor and dried over the course of time. The flames burned the branches in two, and then the cat could slide the sections into the growing flames.


The possum stepped off to the side, then returned holding the two turtle shells filled with tea colored creek water. He placed the shells down by the glowing coals. In no time the water was boiling. The cat pulled the shells from beside the coals, and then crumbled up the crispy browning yaupon leaves, dropping them into the boiling water, pausing to allow them to steep.


Tom Cat turned to the Possum, smiling with a slobbering grin, saying; “Well here it is, ole Possum thar, the very best coffee this side of the Big Muddy. I call it God's coffee, since it grows all around us. When times are tight, there sweet cassina sits, just like a gift from the good Lord himself.”


“Yeah? It sure got the boys through during the time of the big fight. The Fed overlooked all of our collard greens, beets, carrots, and black eyed peas, assuming they were animal feed or just weeds, since they were grown at random and stored in feed barns all around for the hogs and chickens,” grinned the possum to the old tom cat, as he glanced backward toward the rooster.


 “You're so right,” grinned Tom Cat back to the Possum. “Then there was the Yankee starving time of the Great Depression. We made it through just fine, however. We had a spell of outstanding wealth from the end of the Second World War, until might near eighty two. Then the Fed started closing down all of the work places, and laying ever-body off by eighty three. No work means no food, and now everybody must go back to eating black eyed peas again.”


“And good ole Aunt Sadie Bizzel’s fried chicken,” grinned the Possum to the Tom Cat, with a slobbering grin.

 “And good ole fried chicken,” replied the Tom Cat to the Possum, with the same slobbering grin. “Aye sir, we could never leave that one out of our beautiful little picture here.”

“So do tell us,” snarled the cat with a slobbering grin toward the rooster, “what da you think about all of this talk here?”


The rooster replied, “Cock a doodle-dew! Cock-a-doodle-dew! Cock-a-doodle-dew to you! Cock-a-doodle-dew! The good Lord will provide! Cock-a-doodle-dew all day!”


High overhead the darkening clouds began to gather as the wind suddenly picked up, increasing the pleasant feeling inside the three. The possum and the Tom cat huddled around the fire, stirring the coals with cane sticks and talking quietly among themselves.


Thunder from the darkening sky above suddenly cut through the pleasant rustle of the leaves in the spring breeze of the day. A bolt of lightning flashed, instantly striking a large live oak limb high above the possum and the Tom cat; causing it to suddenly crash to the ground, striking the cat and the possum both in the head, knocking them both directly into the flames, as it settled upon the earth beside the fire and the two now roasting bodies.


The rooster flapped his wings excitedly for seven minutes or so, as if exercising himself. He casually walked over to the two bodies lying inside the flames, gently rolling them over with his beak when the moment was appropriate. He then raised his head, flapping his wings excitedly once more again.


“Cock-a-doodle-dew! Cock-a-doodle-dew!  The good Lord provides! The good Lord provides! Fried Tom cat and possum are not bad with the collard greens and black eyed peas! The boys found that out as well! Cock-a-doodle-dew!  The good Lord surely provides!”

About the author:

The author is an international ESL instructor. More details about him can be found here

Another Chance (A Lyric)

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